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Carmen Sarah Einsle
2 años atrás

Congratulation for your work! It is a very interesting study. You mentionned the case of social network sites, where the users are obliged to transfer their data to use the social network site. So, even if the users restrict the amount of data to be comparted in their privacy settings, is data still used and transfered?

Sergio Luis Náñez Alonso

Dear William, first of all, congratulations on your presentation.
It is a very interesting topic and certainly very topical. It all stems from the debate on the use of personal data by large corporations.

Beyond the existing regulations, it indicates that there is a lack of precise regulatory parameters. In your opinion, what should these parameters be?

Again, congratulations.

Thank you in advance,
Sergio Náñez.

Juan Pedro Martínez Ramón

Congratulations for your work. It has been very interesting. I would like to know your opinion about the laws related to the personal data. What do you think about the issue? Thank you again.
Best regards,

Juan Pedro Martínez

Juan Pedro Martínez Ramón

Thank you very much for your explanation. It is very interesting.
Best regards

David Sanz Bas
2 años atrás

Congratulations for the work done.
I wanted to ask you the following question: Social network provider companies (Facebook, etc.) offer free services to users and they benefit from it. In this sense and leaving aside the conflicts that these networks have generated in recent years, how should the contribution that these companies make to the national GDP be estimated? 
Thank you, professor

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