Collaborating entities

I International Congress on Digitalization and Business

First independent media in Spain about Bitcoin, Blockchain technology and financial technology or Fintech.

  • Winners in 2017 of a Digital Award for innovation in media.
  • Creators of three Blockchain communities in Spain (Madrid, Malaga, and Seville) where it holds events on a regular basis.
  • Members of the Association of Economic Information Journalists (APIE), the Inter-American Press Association (SIP) and the Blockchain Arbitration Society.

The DEKIS group is constituted as an interdisciplinary group whose main purpose is focused on the development of a research oriented to the knowledge of the digital society from a perspective of integral analysis of the phenomenon. In particular, its main objectives are the study of new productive models and economic activities based on the use of the potential of information and communication technologies (ICT’s), innovation and knowledge, as well as the new challenges and economic and legal implications that digital disruption is causing in the traditional models of economic and social organization.

The Faculty of Social and Legal Sciences of the UCAV integrates all those degrees with economic, business, educational, humanistic, and legal content. For the development of the studies, we have highly qualified professors and professionals of recognized prestige in the sector. One of the main objectives of these studies, based on the development of skills and competencies, is the integral preparation of the student, in coherence with the ideology of the University, for their incorporation into the labor market, with numerous collaboration agreements with companies, institutions, professional firms, etc.

The Business School of the Catholic University of Avila, Avila Business School, has programs aimed at professionals and graduates who want to increase their training and employability. Official Master’s Degrees and Proprietary Degrees based on the blended learning format, where the student sets the pace of learning by combining them with mandatory face-to-face sessions and with the best selection of professional teachers currently offered in any academic program.

Binance It is the cryptocurrency exchange platform with the highest volume and number of users in the world. As of 2018, it is considered the exchange platform with the highest trading volume in the world: 2.0 bn Average daily volume and 1,400,000+ Transactions per second. It also integrates various solutions such as Binance Labs, which is an incubator for Blockchain projects or Binance Launchpad, a token launching platform for entrepreneurs. It also has Binance Charity, which is a non-profit foundation dedicated to the advancement of blockchain-enabled philanthropy and global sustainable development; or Binance Chain is a community-driven blockchain software system, with developers and contributors from around the world. Binance DEX is the decentralized exchange function built on top of Binance Chain.



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