Virtual Presentation

Guidelines and recommendations for the recording of the video of paper defense

The videos must be published on the congress website by the authors (see instructions in this section) no later than Monday June 13th*,**.

It is mandatory, in the case of the presentation using slides, to use the powerpoint that appears in this section.

1. Video recording

The video must be made choosing between the following recording techniques:

  • Personal presentation in front of the camera without visual support.
  • Mixed presentation combining on-camera presentation with on-screen slides (recommended option).


In cases of co-authorship, it is not necessary for all authors to participate in the video recording of the paper. However, the author who makes the presentation (if it is personal without visual support) must name the other authors; if it is mixed, the initial slide must contain the name of all the authors.

Some tips to improve the results:

1- It is recommended to use a suitable place, with little ambient sound, external noises, where there are no interruptions, sound of calls, etc. In short, a space with little or no ambient sound.

2- In case of using a cell phone, the video should be recorded in horizontal format.

3- A maximum duration of 10-12 minutes is recommended. Under no circumstances should it exceed 15 minutes.

4- It is recommended to follow the following structure:

    1. If it is a research work, an experience or literature/systematic review, it should contain information on: introduction, objectives (with or without hypothesis), method, results and conclusion.
    2. If it is a theoretical review or reflection, the structure to follow will be: introduction, objectives, development of the topic and conclusions.

2 . Upload the video to YouTube or Vimeo account

(it is understood to be the author’s, not provided by the organization).

Once the video has been recorded with the technical means you consider, it must be uploaded to your own YouTube or Vimeo account, activating the “public visibility” option. The latter is essential, otherwise the video will not be available for viewing by the rest of the participants in the congress.

In the unlikely event that for copyright reasons your video is censored on YouTube you can upload it to another type of platform.

If you do not have a youtube account, here is a tutorial on how to do it: How to create a Youtube account.

3. Upload the video to the Congress Website

The “managing author” (the author who was in charge of sending the abstract and linking the rest of the signatories) will be the person in charge of adding the link of the video to the congress website, as well as one by one the co-authors in case there are any.

The author-manager must:

  1. Access the form of his communication, in the My papers section of the platform.
  2. Select the paper in question and click on the button to add video and signatories.
  3. Add the YouTube video link to the video form.
  4. Click on the Add button to update the paper form.

4. Check

Access via web to the symposium you are participating in, locate your paper and enter it.

* If the video is not published on the indicated date (not extendable under any circumstances), the participating author/s will be excluded from the congress and will not be able to participate in the publication of the abstract, the book chapter or to obtain the corresponding certificates of participation and paper. This situation will result in their exclusion, without the right to reimbursement of the amounts paid to the organization.

Also, the delivery of a video on time that is not the final version or does not correspond to the work, in order to gain time and make changes, will result in exclusion from the congress, without the right to a refund of the amounts paid to the organization.

**If the video does not meet the minimum standards of quality and use of the template provided, duration, etc., it will be definitively rejected for publication, resulting in its exclusion from the congress, without the right to a refund of the amounts paid to the organization.



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