Information for authors

Please pay attention and read carefully the instructions to participate as a speaker.

We welcome papers that develop any of the proposed topics, either from an empirical methodology or from a theoretical or practical approach.

Form of participation

Participation in the thematic symposia of this congress will be virtual and deferred. Therefore, it will not be possible to present live communications.

To participate as a speaker or presenter it is necessary to register. This registration does not imply any prior payment of the registration fee.

You will receive a welcome email (check your SPAM folder if you have not received it after a few minutes). From there you will be able to access the platform using your credentials in the link:

Then you will have to create a “New Paper” (button accessible from your desktop). We recommend that you previously review the thematic symposia available as you will need to select one during the process.

A few days before the congress, and upon verification of payment, you will be given access to the symposia and will be able to view them and participate in the discussion and debate forums via messages (not live).

You can participate as a signatory in a maximum of 3 papers.

The paper proposal must have the following characteristics:

It should contain between 500 and 600 words, excluding in computation names of authors, linkage etc.

They may be written in Spanish or English (one language only).

The delivery format will be only and exclusively Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx).


  1. If it is a research work, an experience or bibliographic/systematic review, it must contain information on: introduction, objectives (with or without hypothesis), method, results and conclusion.
  2. If it is a theoretical review or reflection, the structure to follow will be: introduction, objectives, development of the topic and conclusions.

A final bibliography section should not be included. Therefore, references to other authors may not be made in the text.

No images, tables or graphs may be included. No keywords either.

Title of the contribution. Style: Font: Times New Roman, body: 12 p., single spacing, centered text.

Name and surname. Style: Font: Times New Roman, body: 12 p., single spacing, centered text, blank line before and after.

Affiliation: Department, University (Country), e-mail and ORCID. Style: Tirant-Nom author (Font: Times New Roman, body: 12 p., spacing: single, centered text, leading and trailing blank line.

Once your proposal is accepted, it will be made public in the list of papers of the thematic symposium and you will receive a notification e-mail. You will then be able to record your paper on video, please follow the guidelines described in the section: “virtual presentation”.


  • A communication can have a maximum of 3 signatories.
  • All signatories must pay the conference registration fee.
  • If your proposal has other signatories, they must register in the platform before submitting the proposal, because during the process you will be asked to select them from a list of participants. Once the proposal has been submitted, you will be able to add or modify the signatories, but only after the proposal has been accepted.

Participation requirements

  • Be a signatory in at least one paper.
  • Publish the video of the paper on the conference website.
  • Ask at least 1 question in 2 different papers in each symposium in which you participate (if, for example, you participate in 3 thematic symposia, you will have to ask 2 questions in each of them).
  • Answer questions about your paper (only one of the signatories is required to answer on behalf of the rest of the signatories).

In addition, you may, if you wish, participate in other symposia with questions to other speakers. This participation will not be counted by the system, although, of course, it will be appreciated and very welcome.

Final texts

All proposals whose signatories meet the above-mentioned requirements for participation may participate as a book chapter in the subsequent publication, although the editing coordinators may request changes or improvements in the texts in order to preserve the scientific quality of the final work.

The final text must be sent using this platform, following the editing rules and the indications in the section “delivery of final texts” within the dates and deadlines established by the organization.

The texts must respect as far as possible these editing rules.

Registration fees*

  • Reduced price from June 13, 2022: 100€*
  • Normal price from June 14 to June 19: 175€*

The fee includes participation in the conference and publication with Dykinson publishing house**. In addition, it includes everything detailed in “curricular results”.

* Prices with VAT included, you can generate your invoice (section “invoice” of your profile) with the following information you will be able to generate your invoice (section “invoice” of your profile) with the fiscal data you provide at the moment of generating it.

** All the signatories of a paper must be registered and have paid the fee in order to participate in the congress and publications. The texts presented must comply with the publishing rules.

*** Payment will be made on the congress platform itself (credit or debit card / Paypal / bank transfer).



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