Digitalization and Business 2022

1´st International Congress on Digitalization and Business

The Catholic University of Avila (UCAV) and the Krakow University of Economics (UEK) invite the global community to the 1st International Congress Digitalization and Business, which will take place online on June 20-21, 2022.

The Congress is aimed at professors, researchers, practitioners, and scientists. For some years now we have been witnessing the transition from an analog society to a new digital society (new technologies, new business models, new ways of paying, organizing, and communicating). This implies changes and transformations both in the way business models are conceived and in the new structuring of workplaces. This process is unstoppable and is not only directly related to business sustainability itself, but also to social sustainability itself, providing any organizational level with a series of possibilities that were unimaginable in the very near past.

The Digitalization and Business congress will try to give voice to this new digital reality, focused on the field of Social Sciences. The academic papers presented at this I International Congress Digitalization and Business, tries to answer a number of key issues in today’s society:

The need for new professionals who are able to lead within their respective organizations the use of new digital technologies will mark the future of the new social structures, and the company is no stranger to this. In the coming years we will see how the new digital native workforce will complete the process of defining new rules of the game in the market. Knowing how it is affecting companies and society in general a new reality connected to new technologies, digital economy, digital transformation, technology-based entrepreneurship, ICT Management, and massive data; new forms of payment, new forms of organization, artificial intelligence, big data, and internet of things; are going to be essential to be able to apply the change in the value chain.

The organizers invite professors, researchers, professionals, and specialized scientists to participate in the congress by submitting paper proposals.

Dr. Sergio Luis Náñez Alonso
Coordinator Ávila Business School-Catholic University of Ávila
Professor of Economics and Business
DEKIS Research Group
His research focuses on the area of digital currencies, financial system/financial inclusion and tax incentives.

Dr. Ricardo Reier Forradellas

Director of Avila Business School.
DEKIS Research Group
Professor of Economics and Business
His research deals with corporate finance and digital transformation of companies.

Participation in the congress results in the following academic outcomes:

Certificate of attendance to the congress.

Certificate of speaker at the congress.

Publication of the abstract in the proceedings book edited by Universidad Católica de Ávila*.

Publication of book chapters by Dykinson publishing house (Q1 SPI-General) **.

See more detailed results in the curricular results section.

* Each registered author can participate in 3 abstracts and 3 book chapters. All authors must be registered.

** According to the current SPI ranking, the organization is not responsible for future variations of the impact index since it is beyond their control.



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