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The digitalization of companies is an unstoppable process that is transforming practically all sectors at an ever-increasing pace. Of course, few areas are unaffected by this change. Thus, to a large extent, there is a widespread conviction that, if we do not want to be left behind, we must adapt to this new technological reality as soon as possible. However, very often, companies are dragging behind them numerous inertias from the past and a strong resistance to change.
Very simply, we can say that the digitization of companies is the process of transforming a business organization in depth, based on technological tools and orienting the different facets of the business towards the digital environment. Therefore, digitizing a company is not simply using a particular software or having profiles on social networks.
Therefore, given that when we talk about digital transformation, we must refer to the global scope of the business, this line of research will include works related to the different processes and impacts that digital transformation processes have on the business environment, from the need to adapt to this new reality, to the results and possibilities offered by this new competitive dimension.
Dr. Ricardo Reier Forradellas
Director of the Avila Business School.
DEKIS Research Group
Professor of Economics and Business
His research deals with corporate finance and digital transformation of companies.
Dr. David Sanz Bas
Doctor in economics
Director of the International Relations Department Director of the International Relations Department of the Catholic University of Avila
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