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Education from the point of view of social, cultural, and technological evolution

In the last thirty years, the criteria and values that define social, cultural and technological habits and routines have changed dramatically. All people, and children and young people to a greater degree, are influenced by new social, cultural and technological trends.

These trends sometimes lack real values, ethical values and moral values, since they respond to interests related to political power or markets. For this reason, the values transmitted in the family environment must be maintained and reinforced, instead of being ignored or attacked.

To achieve this goal, we are faced with the obstacle of parents’ work schedules, which make it difficult to share time with their children in order to transmit ethical, moral and spiritual values.

In this situation, the tutorial action that takes place in school and extracurricular activities, which in some moments of the day replace the roles of the traditional family in the transmission of these values, takes center stage.

Tutorial action is the scaffolding for the formation of ethical and moral values. We see the need for this tutorial action because in many cases academic failure or lack of motivation for studies is caused by deficiencies in tutorial work or by the application of inadequate tutorial action plans.

This thematic line reviews the fundamental functions of the tutor adding useful advice for a good development of the tutorial action according to the events that characterize the changing society in which we live.

It highlights as fundamental functions of the tutor: executing the Tutorial Action Plan, following the students’ evaluation process, attending to students with learning difficulties, integrating the students in the class-group, helping the participation in the activities that take place in the educational center, advising the students regarding the academic itineraries that are of great influence for a full development of the person in truth and freedom, to focus on the solution of problems that students may suffer, to channel the concerns of students in order to bring them closer to academics, to inform families, teachers involved and students of the specificities of each subject in terms of their academic performance and to collaborate in the establishment of a climate of cohesion, trust and credibility in the educational community.

In addition, it deals with a series of problems suffered by today’s youth that prevent them from reaching a full life in all categories of the person. Among these problems, the following stand out: the low valuation of reason and knowledge that young people have and the excessive valuation they give to emotions and the “I”.

Therefore, works related to tutorial action, teaching innovation, curricular evolution in the different stages, social problems of children and young people, new diseases caused by addiction to social networks, new methodologies to work ethical and moral values, with what is related to helping families, legislative developments in the educational field and strategies for working tutorial action in Catholic schools will be accepted.

Prof. Justo Herráez Jiménez

Research Professor in the Degrees of Education at the UCAV
Graduate in Psychopedagogy
Ideologist and Coordinator of the “Family On Project”.
PhD student in Social Science Innovation in Education.

Prof. Noelia Gutiérrez Martín

Director of the UCAV Data Processing Center.
Graduate in Information Systems Engineering from the Catholic University of Avila.
She is part of the team that is carrying out the digital transformation of the UCAV.
She is studying the Doctorate Program in Social Communication.
The research areas in which she works are the digital transformation in education and the relationship between children and new technologies.



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